Treating Cancer Without Drugs

Treating Cancer Without Drugs

Cancer is undoubtedly the disease that the majority of people fear the most.
Are you one of those?
Is it because a friend or a loved one has cancer or has died of cancer after a debilitating period of excruciating pain, loss of dignity, unbelievable suffering and finally a premature death?
Is it because so many people have one or other type of cancer and that the death rate of cancer patients is so high?
Or is it because most of us don't understand the true facts about cancer and all of the treatment options available to us to successfully treat cancer, or the true survival rates of these various options?
Confusion and Misinformation
It's all of these things, but one other thing that is for sure, there is a lot of confusion and misinformation around all aspects of cancer and specifically cancer treatments and survival rates.
I hope that some of the facts in this short article will help you to minimise the confusion and give you some guidance on what causes cancer, how you can prevent getting it as well as understanding the various credible and proven natural treatment options that are available to you.
So where do you start?
"Awareness and Knowledge" are the best medicine. The first thing you need to do is take control of your own healthcare and that of your family. Then you need to become fully aware of all the cancer treatment options available to you. Only once you have this knowledge are you empowered to make the best treatment choice when you or a family member gets cancer. This should include both the devastating "modern medicine" treatments that most people are forced into and the highly successful alternative treatments that very few people are aware of. Only then will you be able to make an informed decision and realise that Cancer does NOT have to be a "Death Sentence."
What is Cancer?
Lets start by defining cancer and looking at some of the statistics and the inevitable possibility of you or a family member getting cancer.
Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body and is often referred to as "malignant tumours". The main feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, forming malignant tumours. These tumours invariably invade adjoining parts of the body and metastasise (spread) to other organs, which is usually the cause of death.
There are about 10.9 million new incidences of cancer every year worldwide and about 6.7 million deaths a year from cancer. There is still an upward trend in most of the western countries where people live a "Modern Lifestyle", with 1 in 4 adults expected to get some form of cancer in their lifetime.
Are you or one of your loved ones a cancer candidate?
We all have Cancer!
Did you know that every one of us has cancer cells in our body, but most of us aren't even aware of it. That is because of the bodies amazing Immune System that continuously patrols our body and eliminates foreign invaders, including the newly forming cancer cells. However if the immune system gets compromised in any way, then it can't control the cancer cells and they become established usually resulting in one form of cancer or another. Often the cancer may have been developing over many years before it is identified.
However, many doctors use this threat of urgency to rush you into a specific cancer treatment regimen of their choice, which may not be the best treatment for you. Unfortunately, most of us are unaware of the various treatment options available and blindly trust our doctors, oncologists and specialists to make the choice for us.
Regrettably, a very good friend of mine did that when his wife was diagnosed with Liver Cancer, and she suffered devastating pain, uncontrollable nausea, loss of hair and other bodily functions, and eventually died prematurely from the chemotherapy. He knows now that he could have prevented that and she could have regained her health and wellness if he had been aware of the available "natural cancer treatments".
Once you have the "Awareness and Knowledge" about Cancer and the available treatments then you can participate in that decision, after all it's YOUR LIFE.
So what is the main reason for our Immune Systems being compromised?
The "Modern Lifestyles" most of us live!
Main Cause of Cancer
Cancer is a "Modern Lifestyle" disease that is mainly caused by the stressful and toxic lifestyles we live.
It's an undeniable fact that in this modern era that we are living in, everyone of us is exposed to a toxic and acidic onslaught, every moment of our lives. Most of us are exposed to toxic air and water pollution, fast fried fatty foods, processed foods, carcinogenic filled groceries, sugar filled foods and drinks, fruit and vegetables grown in pesticide poisoned soil; alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise, prescription and recreational drugs to mention the main culprits. This is exacerbated by the huge stress levels that most people are suffering from, which result in an acidic inner terrain.
In addition we are also faced with toxic products in our homes, with some household cleansers, personal care and cosmetic products having carcinogenic ingredients, and what we eat and drink is significantly acidic, with most "processed" and "convenience" foods containing toxic additives.
Very few of the modern day degenerative diseases, including cancer, were common just a hundred years ago and are unquestionably caused by our modern lifestyles. As a matter of fact the cancer rate 100 years ago was one in 8,000 while today it is one out of every four adult persons. This correlates directly with the increase in the use of acidic foods and toxic chemicals and pollution.
Carcinogens - the Cancer Curse
It is a proven fact that "carcinogens" cause cancer. So the question is, "How exposed are we to these cancer causing chemicals?"
The following statement is off the website who monitor air pollution in the US. "Over 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released by industry into the nation's environment each year, including 72 million pounds of recognized carcinogens".
Friends of the Earth's analysis of the Environment Agency's Pollution Inventory shows that Britain's biggest factories are still releasing over 10,000 tonnes of cancer-causing chemicals into the air every year.
The Chemical Industry in a Bottle
The Environmental Working Group have researched Personal Care products to establish their safety for five years now, and have published their findings.
Here are just 2 of the ways that we are continually exposed to these nasty chemicals.
Industrial chemicals are basic ingredients in personal care products.
• There are about 10,500 unique chemical ingredients in these products that contain carcinogens, pesticides, reproductive toxins, endocrine disruptors, plasticizers, degreasers, and surfactants, which equates to about one out of every eight of the 82,000 chemicals registered for use in Personal Care products in the US
• One of every five adults are potentially exposed every day to all of the top seven carcinogenic impurities common to personal care product ingredients - hydroquinone, ethylene dioxide, 1,4-dioxane, formaldehyde, nitrosamines, PAHs, and acrylamide.
The real damage is done by what we eat and drink.
In recent years, thanks to extensive research into food additives, it has been established that the main "additive killers" are "excitotoxins".
Through a pathological process caused primarily by eating and drinking excess glutamate, aspartate and l-cysteine, powerful excitotoxins that over-activate receptors in the body, cause nerve cells to mutate or be damaged and killed.
Put in layman's terms, excitotoxins "excite your brain cells to death!" and have been found to dramatically promote cancer growth and metastasis. When you increase the glutamate level, cancer just grows like wildfire, however when you block glutamate, it dramatically slows the growth of the cancer.
So, if nothing else, you must understand which additives are excitotoxins, what the consequences are of consuming them, and how you identify foods that generally have excitotoxins in them.
Although there are about 70 excitotoxins, Nitrosamines (Sodium Nitrite), Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and Aspartame are the most dangerous, and are the main "additive killers" responsible for cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Nitrosamines - Sodium Nitrite is added to meat as a preservative, specifically to prevent the growth of the bacterium that causes botulism and to give it a cosmetic reddish look. When sodium nitrite is added to meat, it combines with the "amines" already present in the meat to form "nitrosamines". These are highly carcinogenic chemical compounds which can increase your odds of getting brain tumours, leukaemia and certain forms of cancer.
MSG - Is the most widely used "flavour enhancer" in the world. It is used in processed food, fast foods, canned, packaged and frozen foods, soups, sauces and in Chinese food.
MSG has been linked to cancer, migraines, asthma, neurodegenerative diseases, ADHD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, heart irregularities and more recently to obesity.
Babies and children are most susceptible. Behavioural and physical problems as well as attention deficit disorder (ADD), have been diagnosed and successfully treated as MSG disorders.
Aspartame - Is an artificial sweetener and an "excitotoxin" with a significant history and dubious track record. Aspartame is found in more than 4,000 products and has poisoned and damaged millions of people worldwide over the last decade.
The damage also affects pregnant women, unborn babies and newborns. It can produce changes in the brain that are irreversible, depending on when it is stopped. It has been found to re-programme the wiring of the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, so it doesn't function normally. Children absorbing large volumes of Aspartame are abnormal for the rest of their lives in terms of their physiological function.
You should also be aware that these three excitotoxins, significantly compromise the Immune System. A diet drink that includes Aspartame can disable the immune system for up to 6 hours. During this time cancer cells get the opportunity to run amuck and start taking control of certain cells.
Wow! That's a lot of cancer for our Immune Systems to successfully process and keep our bodies "Cancer Free", so it is no wonder that so many people get cancer.
Cancer Treatments
Hopefully you have a better idea of what causes cancer and what you need to avoid, to prevent cancer. Unfortunately not everyone is able to prevent getting cancer so let's look at the cancer treatment options that are available to you if you or a family member are diagnosed with cancer.
The first thing to remember is that cancer is not a "Death Sentence" and can be successfully treated, especially if it's detected early.
"Early Detection"
Obviously prevention is the main goal but "early detection" is the next best alternative. There is an excellent Cancer test that can detect cancer long before the symptoms become apparent, and significantly improve the chances of a successful recovery. The test is called the HCG Urine Cancer Test, and utilises the "abnormally dividing cells" concept that can tell you the relative number or level of these cells regardless of where they are in your body or where they started.
This test is also very useful to track the progress of any cancer treatment that you might be undergoing, to see if it is successfully treating the disease or not.
Conventional Treatment (Orthodox / Modern Medicine)
In the US and most other developed countries around the world that practice "modern medicine", they have adopted a "standard cancer treatment" regimen that all conventional doctors, oncologists and other cancer carers must adhere to and administer.
This entails three treatments that are often used in conjunction.
• Surgery, to cut out tumours
• Radiation, to burn the tumours
• Chemotherapy, to poison and kill the cancer cells (and unfortunately - healthy cells)
I suggest you do your own research on these treatments to enable you to assess their efficacy and success rates, however here are some pointers from credible doctors and cancer researchers to start your research process.
It is important to note that cancer is the biggest and most lucrative "Disease Business" in the world, primarily controlled by "BigPharma", estimated to be more that a $trillion a year.
Consider this. IN 2001 ALONE, AstraZeneca made $630 million on the sale of Nolvadex (a.k.a. tamoxifen), a breast cancer drug. They made $728 million on the sale of Zoladex, a prostate/breast cancer drug. They made another $569 million on Casodex, another prostate cancer drug. Within two years, says Forbes, this company's sales of cancer fighter drugs alone will top $2.5 billion a year.
An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently stated that oncologists (cancer doctors) make an average of $253,000 a year, of which 75% is profit from chemotherapy drugs administered in their offices.
Here is what others had to say:
"As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good."
Alan C. Nixon, Ph.D., Past President, American Chemical Society
"As a matter of fact there is evidence that the long term survival rate of cancer patients treated with Chemotherapy is between 3% and 6% whereas most of the best alternative treatments have a proven survival rate of between 50% and 70% when used alone, however using combinations of these alternative therapies that you will get access to in Bill Henderson's book, "Cancer Free"-Your Guide to Gentle Non-toxic Healing", boosts survival rates to an amazing 90%."
This is how Ty Bolinger, author of "Cancer - Step Outside the Box" defines chemotherapy.
"Chemotherapy is toxic, carcinogenic (causes cancer), destroys red blood cells, devastates the immune system, and kills vital organs. How toxic is chemotherapy? Think about it... your hair falls out, your immune system is destroyed, you are constantly nauseated, you get sick and vomit, you are constantly dizzy, and you have severe headaches."
It is "mindboggling" and unbelievable to accept that cancer can be treated with "carcinogens", that are known to cause cancer? Obviously the oncologists in Montreal believe so too.
"A recent survey of the 64 oncologists on the staff at McGill Cancer Therapy Center in Montreal found that 58 of them (91%) said they would not take chemotherapy or allow their family members to take it for cancer treatment. Why not? Too toxic and not effective. Today, 75% of cancer patients are administered chemotherapy."
Then the final word comes from the highly respected and experienced Dr Glenn Warner.
Dr. Glenn Warner is a board certified oncologist and one of the most highly qualified cancer specialist in the Seattle area. He uses alternative treatments on his cancer patients with great success. He has over 1,000 surviving cancer patients. On the treatment of cancer in this country he said: "We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."
So lets look at some of the "Alternative Treatment" options mentioned by Dr Glenn Warner.
Alternative Treatments
Contrary to current medical rhetoric and "modern medicines" perverted claims, the cause of cancer is easy to understand and is readily preventable and reversible without the dangerous "modern medicine" therapies used as standard treatments in most countries - surgery (slash), radiation (burn) and chemotherapy (poison).
"It is pretty clear from all the research I have done that most cancers can be prevented by proper diet, supplements and exercise." - Bill Henderson in his book "Cancer Cure - Your Guide to Gentle Non-Toxic Healing".
Nobel Prize Winner Dr Otto Warburg, established in his research during the 1930's that cancer only lives in an "acidic" (low oxygen) environment, like most other bacteria. Every time Otto Warburg lowered the oxygen level by 35% in a healthy cell, it became cancerous.
Why is this not common knowledge that cancer cannot exist in an "alkaline body"?
Simply put - "Power, Lies, Greed and Profit".
Natural Cancer Treatments
Most successful "natural cancer treatments" involve 5 main activities:
• Assess the patients "Lifestyle Choices" and make the appropriate changes (stop smoking, as an example)
• Detox and cleanse the body of heavy metals and poisonous toxins
• Adopt a Diet that results in establishing a slightly "alkaline" inner body terrain
• Establish a "natural nutrient" supplementation programme that includes all of the necessary nutrients that the body needs on a daily basis to function at its peak
• Boosting the Immune System to perform at its peak at all times
Webster Kehr of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc, established the Cancer Tutor website in 2003. This is undoubtedly the best source of knowledge covering every aspect of Cancer and Cancer Treatments. It is considered to be among the most important websites on the Internet on the subject of alternative / natural cancer treatments.
Here are a few pointers from the Cancer Tutor to start you out on your "Natural Cancer Treatment" Journey.
"Mother Nature knows how to CURE cancer (i.e. restore the balance)!! In fact, Mother Nature has put more than 400 different ways to cure cancer on this planet!!
That is precisely why many people have no fear of cancer. They know exactly what to do if they get cancer."
Webster covers most of the 400 natural cancer treatments in detail on his web site, with special focus on the Stage III and Stage IV cancer treatments. The latter have even been successful in severe cases where "conventional" doctors and oncologists have sent the patient home to die as there is no hope for the patient to recover. As he will show you many did recover using "natural cancer treatments".
"Alternative cancer treatments have cured many, many cancer patients, including many advanced cancer patients!! But even those who do not survive can have a higher quality of life, their life can be extended significantly, they can be in less pain, and so on."
"As an example of the effectiveness of alternative cancer treatments consider that the late Dr. William D. Kelley, a dentist by training, used alternative cancer treatments to treat more than 33,000 cancer patients. He used special diets, proteolytic enzymes, and other natural substances. He was able to cure more than 90% of the newly diagnosed cancer patients who went to him first.
Now consider that the alternative cancer treatments of today are far stronger than the Kelley protocol because Dr. Kelley did not have access to many of the products which are now available."
"All of this is why alternative cancer treatments can have a 30 times higher true cure rate than orthodox cancer treatments. Alternative cancer treatments TARGET cancer cells or they do no harm to non-cancerous cells.Thus, alternative cancer treatments can be used in much, much higher doses than orthodox cancer treatments and thus they can be far more effective.
Cancer Clinics
It is unfortunate that many governments have outlawed all forms of natural cancer treatments, usually under pressure from the Pharmaceutical Industry lobbyists. Most of these highly successful practitioners, have moved their clinics to Mexico, or in some cases to Europe. Webster covers many of these clinics and the services they offer.
Finally - Bill Henderson asks the Question, "Would you accept the following 'odds'? "
"If a tumour is found early and removed, it will not regrow or appear elsewhere about 50% of the time. Once a cancer has metastasized (spread to other sites in the body), chemotherapy and/or radiation will heal it permanently only about 3% of the time. I don't like those odds and would not accept them.
Would you?
Health and Wellness Beyond Cancer
I hope this short simplified explanation of what causes cancer and how you can prevent it or treat it, using "Natural Cancer Treatments", has helped to expel some of the confusion and misinformation that surrounds "cancer".
To further help you understand your options when treating cancer naturally, the Body Defense Institute team have compiled additional documents which can be seen on the website
We offer a FREE advice service for anyone who requires additional information or support during the difficulties of disease. Please don't face it alone! Contact Us through the website.

Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Treatment

Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Treatment


Chemotherapy is often abbreviated and commonly known as 'Chemo'. It is a systematic treatment that is used to kill cancer cells. It affects the whole body by going through the bloodstream. It uses medicines to weaken and destroy cells at the cancer affected area. It is used either to shrink down the tumor or as a treatment if it reoccurs. It is also used to treat when there are possibilities of these cancer cells spreading to other parts of the body.
Medicines for chemotherapy treatment are very less in number. Mostly a combination of two or more medicines will be used for chemotherapy for breast cancer. These medicines as tablets/capsules are taken orally whereas some are injected in the vein. These medicines are used till their side effects are unbearable or till their effect is over.
Chemotherapy is used in two stages. At an early stage, it is used to remove cancer cells that may remain even after the surgery. Thus, this reduces the risk of reappearance of these cancer cells. It is also used in an advanced stage to destroy and damage the cancer cells as much as possible.
Before deciding the regime of chemotherapy, the doctor takes into consideration factors like your general health, menopausal status, and stages of breast cancer. Advanced stage of breast cancer is known as the 'metastatic disease'. It is the Stage III or Stage IV of breast cancer. Chemotherapy is used in an advanced stage to destroy all the possible cancer cells. New medicines, used for the treatment of this advanced stage, help these patients to live longer.
The side effect of chemotherapy treatment varies from person to person. It also depends on the medicines prescribed and the duration of the treatment. Some side effects vanish after some duration of the treatment, but some treatments have long lasting effects on your body. The most common side effects of chemotherapy include memory loss, infection, fatigue, hair changes, and sores in the mouth or throat. Doctors use different tests to check out whether the treatment is giving the desired results or not.
Chemotherapy treatments are taken in two stages. They are as follows:
Before Surgery: It helps to shrink the tumor. You still need a surgery after it. It may include other treatments or even radiotherapy. It may reduce the chances of breast cancer returning back.
After surgery: This treatment is known as adjuvant therapy. They are mostly used to kill the cancerous cells and prevent them from spreading to other parts of the body as well as re-occurrence of these cells after treatment.
For some women, the breast cancer reoccurs or spreads to all parts of the body. This is known as secondary stage breast cancer or metastatic disease. It can be also treated with the help of chemotherapy.
Patients usually take other dietary supplements and herbal medicines along with chemotherapy. This is not recommended by doctors as they may not get along with the treatment and may cause harmful effects. So, if you wish to opt for these supplements consult your doctor about it. Avoid purchasing over the counter medicines or from other medical practitioners.
Dr. Alina, a professor of Medicine and doing research on breast cancer chemotherapy treatment and for more detail about breast cancer chemotherapy drugs click here breast cancer chemotherapy drugs.

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How to Diagnose and Treat Lymphoma Cancer?

How to Diagnose and Treat Lymphoma Cancer?


The lymph system is a tubular structure branching out to all the parts of the body and is vital to fight infections. Lymph is a colorless fluid that contains white blood cells (lymphocytes) and is carried by the lymph system.
There are various types of lymphoma cancers and hence, answering a question, how to diagnose and treat lymphoma is a great challenge. The most common type of lymphoma and the term that is used interchangeably is Hodgkins disease and the rest of the types are known as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Although, there are several symptoms of lymphoma cancer, but they may be similar to any other illness, making it difficult to suspect the diagnosis of lymphoma.
Some symptoms are:
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes
  • Fatigue feeling
  • Weight loss
  • Recurrent fever
  • Night sweats
Once a patient experiences symptoms, he/she may consult a physician, who may carry out the diagnostic procedure to confirm the disease. The diagnosis will be based upon:
  • Thorough physical examination of the patient
  • Inquiry about the complete personal and family history
  • Physically examining the lymph nodes for any abnormalities present
  • Biopsy test to confirm about the malignancy present in the lymph nodes
  • Chest x-ray to verify any enlargement of the lymph nodes in the chest
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) or Computer Tomography (CT) scan
  • Ultrasound examination
After the diagnosis is done and the lymphoma cancer is confirmed, then the patient may further undergo a few tests to detect the exact stage of the disease.
Cancer Treatment:
  • Radiation Therapy - Powerful x-rays or any such radiations may be used to treat the lymphoma cancer. The radiations are directed to kill the abnormal cancerous cells either by internal or external radiation therapy. However, pregnant women are not eligible for radiation therapy until delivery.

  • Chemotherapy - This therapy uses anti-cancer drugs to destroy the malignant cells in the lymph system. The therapy may be administered through mouth, intravenously or placing directly into the cerebrospinal fluid. Although, chemotherapy may be observed in pregnant women, close watch is required to see any danger to the fetus.

  • Vaccine Therapy - This is a new treatment technique used to treat lymphoma. This technique aims at strengthening body's immunity to fight the cancerous cells. The medications used are directed to restore the immune system and boost its defense against the malignancies.

  • High-dose chemotherapy in combination with stem cell transplant is another treatment option lately being considered. The technique is to replace the destroyed blood-forming stem cells in the patient with the donor stem cells.
Lymphoma cancer is type of cancer that affects the lymph system of the body. There are around 35 and more types of this cancer. Hence, how to diagnose and treat lymphoma cancer is a challenge for medical professionals. Like any other cancer, early detection and prompt treatment are vital.
For more detail read on lymphoma cancer or Lymphoma Cancer Causes

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How to Cure Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma by Epoch Chemotherapy?

How to Cure Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma by Epoch Chemotherapy?


Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment by Epoch Chemotherapy
Epoch Chemotherapy is used as a treatment to cure many types of Cancer. One such treatment is the Non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment in which the Epoch chemotherapy regimens like etoposide, vincristine, and doxorubicin are injected in the patients along with the drugs like intravenous (IV) bolus cyclophosphamide and oral prednisone for four days.
When the Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) treatment was carried on 74 patients their immune system did not respond to the same injected drugs (regimens). But surprisingly the immune system of the patients with the fatal NHL responded nicely to the this treatment.
After this treatment medical tests were done and the test results were found. Results showed that the patients who were in the fourth stage of Lymphoma comprised of 77% of the patients who had responded to the NHL treatment and all the drugs in Epoch regimen were previously administered in 71% of the patients. Also it was found that 92% of the patients were injected with at least four of the drugs of the Epoch regimen. Our of 21 patients who did not respond to the Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma treatment,15 responded and only one among them was able to achieve a complete diminution.
Patients with deteriorating CD-20 positive large B-Cells with NHL cells were treated with 375 mg rituximab drug on first day. The Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma treatment was then given to the patients from 2-4 days with the drugs being injected with different proportions into the patient's body. Only Cyclophosphamide with 750 mg was given on the day fifth and 60 mg Prednisone was given orally to the patient on the days 1-14 as a part of the Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma treatment. After treating fifty patients between the ages of 23-72 years having with rituximab drug it was found that the primary large B-Cell lymphoma was spread out in 25 patients and large B-Cell lymphoma was converted to other form in 18 of them. Thus the treatment of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma with the help of Epoch Chemotherapy with rituximab drug proved to be fruitful.
Side Effects of the Epoch Chemotherapy Treatment
We all know that the Epoch Chemotherapy is a treatment which is used when there are complicated cancerous tumors. This treatment is given to the patients by mixing various toxic drugs in proper proportion due to which many harmful side effects are seen. So this treatment should only be given to the patients after studying their family history and then finding that whether those persons are allergenic to the toxic drugs or not.
Sometimes it is found that the patient suffers from nausea, hair loss, depression and appetite loss which are the side effects caused by the toxic drugs that are used during the this treatment. Even some patients become resistant to the drugs which are injected during the epoch chemotherapy treatment while treating the NHL which is a dreadful form of cancer.
In one such study done after the treatment of Non- Hodgkin lymphoma it was seen that the toxicity of the drugs had caused large scale neutropenia and gastrointestinal disorders in the patients.
Friends, we have now understood the importance of the Epoch Chemotherapy in treating cancer patients. Every coin has two sides. So has Epoch Chemotherapy. So do consult doctor before going for any kind of Chemotherapy because self-medication and self-analysis about once health is always dangerous. Always remember that Health is Wealth.
Wish all of you Nice in Health.
For more detail visit Epoch Chemotherapy

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Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - What Increases Your Risk?

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - What Increases Your Risk?


Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is diverse group of cancers of lymphatic system which is part of human immune system. The lymphatic system includes lymph vessels, lymph nodes, lymph, tonsils, thymus and spleen. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is most commonly detected in older adults in the age groups of 60s and 70s.
There are no known causes for development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma however medical experts believe that disorders in immune system and older age may increase your chance of having the disease. Research is going on all the time to try to find out other causes that led to the development of this disease.
The following risk factors may increase your chance of acquiring this disease:
Being Male: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is more common in males than in women.
Age: Though NHL can occur at any age but risk increases as ones age progresses. It is most commonly found in people above 60 years of age.
Past cancer treatment: Past cancer treatment can affect your risk of NHL two-fold. Some chemotherapy drugs can increase your risk of getting NHL 10 to 15 years after treatment. Having radiotherapy in the past also increases your risk of acquiring NHL.
Weakened immune system: NHL is most commonly found in those people whose immune system does not work properly. These include HIV and AIDS patients. It also occurs among those people who take medicines that impair the immune system following an organ transplant.
Viral infection: Infection with virus called 'Human T cell Lymphoma virus 1 (HTLV1), hepatitis's C, and Epstein-Barr Virus increase the risk of developing NHL.
Bacterial infection: The bacteria called "Helicobacter pylori" increases the risk of Lymphoma called MALT (mucosa associated lymphoid tissue) lymphoma. This type of lymphoma is usually located in stomach lining.
Environmental Exposure: Exposure to insecticide and pesticide, solvents, rubber processing, asbestos, arsenic, nuclear waste and fertilizers increases the risk of developing NHL.
About Author:
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in the medical industry. She also offers top quality articles like:
Incurable Diseases, Bird Flu Prevention

Article Source:
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - What Increases Your Risk?

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - What Increases Your Risk?


Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is diverse group of cancers of lymphatic system which is part of human immune system. The lymphatic system includes lymph vessels, lymph nodes, lymph, tonsils, thymus and spleen. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is most commonly detected in older adults in the age groups of 60s and 70s.

There are no known causes for development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma however medical experts believe that disorders in immune system and older age may increase your chance of having the disease. Research is going on all the time to try to find out other causes that led to the development of this disease.

The following risk factors may increase your chance of acquiring this disease:

Being Male: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is more common in males than in women.

Age: Though NHL can occur at any age but risk increases as ones age progresses. It is most commonly found in people above 60 years of age.

Past cancer treatment: Past cancer treatment can affect your risk of NHL two-fold. Some chemotherapy drugs can increase your risk of getting NHL 10 to 15 years after treatment. Having radiotherapy in the past also increases your risk of acquiring NHL.

Weakened immune system: NHL is most commonly found in those people whose immune system does not work properly. These include HIV and AIDS patients. It also occurs among those people who take medicines that impair the immune system following an organ transplant.

Viral infection: Infection with virus called 'Human T cell Lymphoma virus 1 (HTLV1), hepatitis's C, and Epstein-Barr Virus increase the risk of developing NHL.

Bacterial infection: The bacteria called "Helicobacter pylori" increases the risk of Lymphoma called MALT (mucosa associated lymphoid tissue) lymphoma. This type of lymphoma is usually located in stomach lining.

Environmental Exposure: Exposure to insecticide and pesticide, solvents, rubber processing, asbestos, arsenic, nuclear waste and fertilizers increases the risk of developing NHL.

About Author:
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in the medical industry. She also offers top quality articles like:
Incurable Diseases, Bird Flu Prevention

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What You Should Know About Older Women and Breast Cancer

What You Should Know About Older Women and Breast Cancer


It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and I had a question from one of my clients about why should she worry about breast cancer "at her age?" We devote a lot of press to mothers and daughters and sisters and spouses, but what about grandmothers and great-grandmothers? What I am going to share with you in this posting may seem a bit of a surprise, because we tend to focus a lot of our attention on women who are in their prime when we think about breast cancer. We may even think that older - and very post-menopausal - women need not be as concerned about a medical risk often associated with hormonal activity.
There has been research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering that basically says that regular testing works as well if not better for older patients as it does for younger patients, because if the cancer is caught early - and therefore small - these women have a very favorable prognosis. In other research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston doctors followed about 65,000 women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer using Medicare data alongside women without breast cancer who numbered 170,000. Women over 65 who were diagnosed in this group with what is called ductal cell carcinoma in situ and stage I cancer - what they refer to as DCIS - were just as likely to survive for the study period of eight years as those without this diagnosis. Now, this is the amazing part. The women who were diagnosed before 80 years of age actually lived a bit longer than women who did not have breast cancer.
Treatment decisions can be complicated for older patients. And it is mostly because older patients tend to have other medical issues going on which providers refer to as co-morbidities. As we get older, we may also have high blood pressure, diabetes, or something else. In other research physicians have found that more conservative, non-surgical, non-radiation, even non-chemotherapy can be effective. But again, it comes down to early detection to avoid the complications of a more aggressive cancer.
Even if we just come out and say women who got breast exams were just taking better care of themselves, early detection seems to be working better for older women than their younger counterparts. And, of course, we should take the larger lesson that early diagnosis and treatment are incredibly important for any elder for whom we are caregivers. When I first looked into breast cancer and older patients I actually thought I was going to find professionals suggesting it is not as essential to have breast exams as patients get older. The research seems to be saying that doctors ought to be talking to their female patients at every age, because stage II and stage III patients did not fair as well. Talk to your provider to see what is optimal for the age of the elder for whom you care.
Charlotte Bishop is a Geriatric Care Manager and founder of Creative Case Management, certified professionals who are geriatric advocates, resources, counselors and friends to older adults and their families. Please email your questions to Charlotte Bishop.

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